
A 2019 project - do a new thing, every day, for an entire year. Turns out I picked a great year to get out there and get those experiences before 2020 hit.
See the saga on Instagram at @365neverhaveievers


Music Mashups (to tune into more, see full project on Work page)

Kinetic Type
"Direct Orders" - A slam poem by my man, Anis Mojgani.


Music video created using found footage from Vimeo.

Artist: Tropkillaz
Song: "Baby Baby"

A skyline that combines all the cities I travelled to in the year 2014.
Left to Right: Los Angeles, Knoxville, New Orleans, Nashville, Atlanta, Richmond, Memphis, Charlotte and NYC.

One of the biggest thinkers I know. Also a great friend and partner.
Photo: Brenden Savi
Photo Manipulator: Anna Vaughan